Yea, I really need to start getting some wedding things ACCOMPLISHED! I did bring my invitation paper with my today so that I can stop by Staples after work and get an estimate of what it's going to cost to have them printed there. I need to start getting invites made because it's just around the corner that I am going to have to start mailing those out. ::yikes!::
I've really gotta start getting some things done :-\ I thought I had made so much progress until I see this HUGE list of 'items/tasks' that need to be checked off.
On the bright side, I used some of my Christmas money to buy the Wii game EA Sports. I am doing Bob Greene's 30 day challenge with the 'game' and had day one last night. I LOVED it. I can't imagine the Wii Fit being any better than this was. You have a personal trainer to guide you (she/he will let you know if your squats aren't low enough, if you're rushing the exercise, etc.) and I really found this helpful. There are step by step instructions before each exercise explaining move by move what you will be doing; it's also nice that, for those who are familiar with the exercises, there is the option of skipping right through the video tutorials.
Day 1 (medium-intesity): Challenging but not so hard you can't do it.