Showing posts with label Stationary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stationary. Show all posts

Getting Something Done

Yea, I really need to start getting some wedding things ACCOMPLISHED! I did bring my invitation paper with my today so that I can stop by Staples after work and get an estimate of what it's going to cost to have them printed there. I need to start getting invites made because it's just around the corner that I am going to have to start mailing those out. ::yikes!::

I've really gotta start getting some things done :-\ I thought I had made so much progress until I see this HUGE list of 'items/tasks' that need to be checked off.

On the bright side, I used some of my Christmas money to buy the Wii game EA Sports. I am doing Bob Greene's 30 day challenge with the 'game' and had day one last night. I LOVED it. I can't imagine the Wii Fit being any better than this was. You have a personal trainer to guide you (she/he will let you know if your squats aren't low enough, if you're rushing the exercise, etc.) and I really found this helpful. There are step by step instructions before each exercise explaining move by move what you will be doing; it's also nice that, for those who are familiar with the exercises, there is the option of skipping right through the video tutorials.
Day 1 (medium-intesity): Challenging but not so hard you can't do it.

Invite Mock-up...3

I haven't really looked at anything wedding related the last 4 months because of school. I popped in the flashdrive today and took a look at the wedding files I had completed. I pulled up the intended invite layout and wasn't impressed with what I was looking at. On a new journey I went looking for more inspiration for our invites. I came across an invite on theknot that was simple and caught my eye. Here is what I've come up with for the third time.

You can see the first mock-up I made here & the second mock-up I made here. Let me know what you think!

Count down...

As I sit here this evening, working on homework (as usual), I am full of excitement about what a 'milestone' today is. So what makes today a 'milestone?' Today, we have reached the 6 month mark in our wedding countdown! I have been telling everyone I've seen today that would care anything about the wedding, "Only six months from today!" It seems like only last week we set our date, my wedding ticker said 1 year 4 months until we're married, and the FI was making fun of me for planning so far ahead!

So, in honor of this day, I'm going to finish this h/w early and reward myself with some wedding stationary designing! :)

Photoshare Cards & Mad Libs

So, many weeks ago I received my Mad Lib cards as well as the Photoshare cards that I ordered from VistaPrint. They turned out just as I had imagined they would, PERFECT! :) I've had these for weeks and still haven't managed to take pictures of them so I found them this morning in my wedding planning bag and decided to snap a few camera phone photos of them.
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Design: Photoshare Cards & Mad Lib

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've blogged, so here I am to blog! I haven't checked anything big off the wedding to-do list since the dress purchase. I have, however, been designing some stationary stuff. First off, I have the front design of our photo share cards. I created it using and it was super easy.
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I have also been working on a cool idea I got from some girls on, Mad Libs for our guests to fill out at the reception! I designed the front of the card on and I took the wording from a mad lib off Cheyenne Schultz's website and tweaked it a little. I LOVE this and I hope that it's a hit with our guests!

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