Graduation Anticipation

As my last semester of undergraduate school comes to an end, I find myself overwhelmed with projects, exams, and Senioritis [defined by Wikipedia as "a colloquial term used in the United States to describe the decreased motivation toward studies displayed by students who are nearing the end of their middle school, high school, college and graduate school careers (Senioritis)"].

So, in hopes of motivating myself, I'm making a sort of "to-do" graduation list!

Obstacle 1: I have an APA formatted, 10 page research paper due for my Business Policy class (status: outline completed).

Obstacle 2: A comparison paper of US GAAP standards and IFRS for my Advanced Accounting class (status: untouched).

Accomplishment 1: I did, however, accomplish high grades in my American Literature class which exempt from the final (::fingers crossed:: I will find out Monday for sure, but I've been pretty on it for that class!).

If I can only make it through December 5th to complete all of my course work and make it to my December 14th graduation, I can finally put myself into wedding planning bliss :)


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