Tissue Paper Single Stem Flowers

Hey everyone! My friend at work had the bright idea of putting the tissue paper flowers on stems to use in a vase. So, I did just that and she is going to use these for her future DIL's bridal shower on Saturday. I'm so excited for her idea and will more than likely use this idea for our wedding. Her wedding colors are hot pink and green, but my co-worker only wanted pink flowers. Here's how to do it:

1) Make your tissue paper flowers following the instructions listed here.

2) Once you have made several flowers (I made about fifteen or so to start with but this number will be different for everyone depending on how many single flowers you want), gather the following items:
* floral stems
* floral tape
* your tissue paper flowers

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3) Take your flowers with the floral wire laying against the floral stem and use the floral tape to attach the flower to the stem.
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4) Once you get your floral tape started and your floral wire is covered you can continue to wrap the rest of stem if you choose (I did because I thought the floral tape looked more realistic) or just leave the rest of the stem as is.
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5) When you get to the bottom of the stem tear your tape about 1-2 cm's from the end of the stem. Wrap the floral tape up around the bottom of the stem to cover the bottom.

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6) Wa-La! You're finished. Continue the process until you have all the flowers you wish for! :)

Some complete flowers:

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