Invite Mock-up...3
I haven't really looked at anything wedding related the last 4 months because of school. I popped in the flashdrive today and took a look at the wedding files I had completed. I pulled up the intended invite layout and wasn't impressed with what I was looking at. On a new journey I went looking for more inspiration for our invites. I came across an invite on theknot that was simple and caught my eye. Here is what I've come up with for the third time.
Plan a Wedding?
Envelope Liners,
- Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Now that I'm done with school, and there is less than 5 months until the wedding and I've got to get B-U-S-Y with planning our wedding. Tomorrow on the plate for after church is making a couple of the new envelope liners with the new paper I bought. I need to decide if I want to use the silver/white paper or the blue paper to line our envelopes. Next on the plate is our invitation design. I have one now that I can use, but I'm just not 100% satisfied with it. I'm going to start working on a new design in my spare time and hopefully have a decision made about the final design within the next two weeks. I'd also like to get started on the ceremony and getting a program started. I've got to get the Bridesmaids dresses ordered (still waiting on two of my girls' measurements) as well as find someone to alter the dresses one they come in. I'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed since 2010 is right around the corner.
::deep breath::
Off to get some rest. My first day back to work today really made me tired.
- Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 ay 6 p.m., my future brother in law was married to his fiance. They are currently on their honeymoon in Jamaica where they will stay until December 30th. I obviously have pictures to post! :) They had an elegant wedding that went off without a hitch! Here are the newlyweds, Mr. & Mrs. Potter.
- Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009 is over. It didn't seem like Christmas when I woke up this morning and it still doesn't feel like Christmas now that it's over and all of my family is back at their houses sleeping. I have pictures to show later, but for now I'm going to add the pictures from the presents that I gave since everyone has them now :) Also, my FI's brother was married on Tuesday of this week, so I will definitly have a post with pictures sometime in the next couple of days.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful, blessed Christmas this year.
I've been busy for the better part of the week making Christmas presents. I've taken many pictures and can't wait to share them!

After completing the gifts last night, I was baking some goodies to give with the gifts and I HAVE to share my most favorite winter (not just Christmas) recipe! I was introduced to a unique snack back in my teen years by a girl that I played basketball with.
Or that's what they called it and I continue to use this name (the real name is Chex Mix Muddy Buddies). I made two batches of it last night and bagged it all up to give away today at the party! I hope you enjoy this recipe. If you haven't had this before, you HAVE to try it! RUN, now to the grocery store to get all of the ingredients! :)
- Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I'm elated to be finished with school. I took the whole day off work and graduated yesterday. It wasn't quiet as exciting as I though it would be. I think for me that I had all of my excitement when I completed my last final and was completely finished with school. On the up side, I did finish off my last semester of undergrad college with all A's :)
Now, I'm excited to start as some projects for Christmas, then after those I'll be moving on to wedding projects. You'll be seeing more and more posts after this one as I have taken off from work starting tomorrow until Dec. 29. I know there are several other knotties that graduated or will be graduating this month, so to you all, CONGRATS! It's a great feeling to be finished!
My life has been happening, really happening in the last week! Not only did I complete the last of my undergraduate schoolwork, but I also won something very special! I coach a middle school girls basketball team (at my middle school alma mater). This was only my second year, but after the first couple of practices, I knew that the girls that came back from last years team were going to be great players this year. During our preseason tournament, we played each team in our conference (3 other teams) and beat all three of them. I just knew this was going to be 'our' season and that we could go undefeated.
Long story short....we only won three regular season games; we ended up tying for second place. A coin was flipped and our school just happened to win te coin toss, giving us second place. Our conference tournament started Monday with semifinal games and final games followed on Tuesday. The team we played in the semi's was a team that in the regular season had beat us once and we had beat them once. I gave the girls a pep talk and they played the best they ever have and beat the other team by 20 points (final: 47-27). Next day...we are playing the number one team in the conference, which had an undefeated season. I pulled the fie returning players aside and had a talk with them, crying of course (I'm a softie! especially with those 5 girls), and let them know how special they were and that they were the best and should end on top. So, we get on top early in the first quarter and those girls never looked back. We beat the undefeated team by 14 (28-14).
I am THRILLED and even speechless with how the girls played this week. We are indeed having a pizza party on Friday for all of their hard work this season. So, my MIA this week has been due to my attention given to my basketball team. Don't mind the quality of this picture, but here is the plaque that my girls so graciously accepted after their win Tuesday evening! I'm beaming with joy for their success this season!

We have our pictures on Friday...and the school will put a team picture in the top area! Congrats to my basketball players for their success this season! I am truly going to miss those stunning 5 girls.
Let's Say Thanks
Thank You Cards
- Monday, December 07, 2009
I'm sure that many of you ahve receieved an e-mail with this in it, but for those who haven't...
Xerox has a program where you go to their site (click here) and choose a card, all of which have been created by children from all over the U.S. You can then pick a sentiment to be printed on the card as well as including your name, town, & state. I love doing this for our Soldiers, especially during the Christmas season so they can get a little love from home. Support our Soldiers and send as many as you want!
- Sunday, December 06, 2009
I am so thrilled...honestly, that doesn't even describe how I feel right now. As of 7-ish this evening, I have completed all course work for my undergraduate degree! ::jumping up & down:: ::SQUEEL!:: So…as you can see below, I feel right now like I look in that picture! No more rushing home after basketball practice to work on h/w until 10:30 just to wake up and do it again the next day. ::Sigh:: I don’t know what I will do with myself now that I don’t have h/w to do. :) Joy Joy!

- Friday, December 04, 2009
As of right now, I am only two finals away from Graduation! I can't express my excitement at this time because I have been working on a paper & a final all day today, and my brain is mush. I'm off to bed as I have a final tomorrow at 2 and I need to rest so I can get up and go over some study materials. Joyful day tomorrow as I knock another final out of the way and leave only 1 measly final between myself and graduation. I know it may seem that I have talked about this non-stop that last week or two, but this is something that has been part of mine & FI's life since we met. It will be such a relief to have this off of my plate and be able to concentrate on Wedding Planning fun! Just bare with me for a couple more days until I'm finished and I'll start give you some FUN wedding stuff back here on the NC Bride To Be!
- Wednesday, December 02, 2009
After weeks of searching...I have finally picked a dress to wear in my future BIL's wedding (I'll be handing out programs) in a couple of weeks. is where I need YOUR help! I'm not a very fashionable person (I don't think I'm unfashionable, but I do sometimes need help). So, I'm looking for some cute shoes to go with the dress below! I've looked at the place I usually go for shoes (Endless) but didn't see anything. I'm fairly tall and usually don't wear anything with a heel over 2.5 inches.
Should I go with red/gray? A flat? A heel? HELP you fashionistas!

He Knows Everything
- Tuesday, December 01, 2009
All weekend I've been worried about whether or not the graduation regalia that I ordered (late, Nov. 6 to be exact) would arrive in time for me to wear it across the stage on December 14.
I tried yesterday to track the order and all I could get was "IN PROCESS." The guidelines on the site list 5 weeks in production and an additional 1-2 shipping (if you choose express shipping, which I did choose). By their guidelines, it shouldn't have been out of processing until Dec. 11.
Imagine my surprise when I get to work this morning and I have an e-mail informing me that everything shipped 11/30/09! Oh joyous day. I've been praying over this seemingly minute problem the last couple of days, as I knew God was in control. He answered my prayer, just as always. Praise God!
Planning/DIY Withdrawals
Wrapping Paper
- Monday, November 30, 2009
Wow...I'm very wedding planning boring right now :(
I was hanging up some laundry this evening after I finished my LAST Advanced Accounting assignment this evening and seen the wrapping paper that I will be using to line the envelopes. It seriously gave me DIY projects & overall wedding planning withdrawals! Two weeks from today, I should ::fingers crossed:: be free from all school obligations, as I should have walked across the stage as I graduate with my Bachelor's in Accounting. 

Graduation Anticipation 2
If you read my first graduation post you know that I had much to do before I could graduate in two weeks.
As of now, I get to move one Obstacle to the Accomplishment list and add another Obstacle to the list.
Obstacle 1: Advanced Accounting Chapter 17 Assignment (due Dec 3)
Obstacle 2: Business Policy 7 page research paper (due Dec 7)
Obstacle 3: Take Business Communication Final (Dec. 5)
Obstacle 4: Receive graduation attire (I ordered it late by accident & put it in as RUSH order :-x)
Accomplishment 1: Excempt from American Lit. final!
Accomplishment 2: Advanced Accounting research paper complete!
Accomplishment 3: Advanced Accounting Chapter 10-12 test completed!
Update: So, my dad and FI liked the pie with the exception of it being very very rich (which I'm sure was the chocolate topping). Other than that, it was a great dessert!
For our Thanksgiving dinner I decided I wanted to try a new dessert recipe. I LOVE baking things, but it just so happens that this dessert didn't need baking. You can find the recipe here.

Here is what the finished product looks like:
NWR: Shop til your Drop?
It's two days 'till Thankgiving...making it three days 'till Black Friday! Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite times of the year. Family, food, fun, and's priceless. After Thanksgiving come Black Friday, which my sister and I made a tradition two years ago. It's such fun taking a one hour nap between cleaning up from dinner and shopping! We love getting out and being amist all of the people and the fury. Previous years we've really had something to go for, but this year, I'm pretty much money'd out from the wedding and I think there are only a couple of gifts she is looking for (that we think she can get online). "Are you crazy? You don't need to get out in the crowds DAT (day-after-thanksgiving) to buy any toys/present. Are you still going?" you say...WHY YES! We've still decided to go this year. I'm really in the mood to have a Christmas tree for our new house (which is still torn to shreds at this time). Here is where I keep track of all the deals that are going to be's a great site, so check it out!
Are you planning to go shopping early DAT? If so, what are you headed out for?
Daisy Clark | A Dog Named Christmas
UPDATE: If you're interested in seeing this new movie, it will be showing on the Hallmark channel on Sunday November 29, 2009. Check your local listings time!
I entered my sweet little schnauzer in a contest...I'm not expecting her to win but I like doing things like this every once in awhile. Feel free to vote for the cutie pie!
Count down...
- Sunday, November 22, 2009
As I sit here this evening, working on homework (as usual), I am full of excitement about what a 'milestone' today is. So what makes today a 'milestone?' Today, we have reached the 6 month mark in our wedding countdown! I have been telling everyone I've seen today that would care anything about the wedding, "Only six months from today!" It seems like only last week we set our date, my wedding ticker said 1 year 4 months until we're married, and the FI was making fun of me for planning so far ahead!

So, in honor of this day, I'm going to finish this h/w early and reward myself with some wedding stationary designing! :)
Graduation Anticipation
As my last semester of undergraduate school comes to an end, I find myself overwhelmed with projects, exams, and Senioritis [defined by Wikipedia as "a colloquial term used in the United States to describe the decreased motivation toward studies displayed by students who are nearing the end of their middle school, high school, college and graduate school careers (Senioritis)"].
So, in hopes of motivating myself, I'm making a sort of "to-do" graduation list!
So, in hopes of motivating myself, I'm making a sort of "to-do" graduation list!
Obstacle 1: I have an APA formatted, 10 page research paper due for my Business Policy class (status: outline completed).
Obstacle 2: A comparison paper of US GAAP standards and IFRS for my Advanced Accounting class (status: untouched).
Accomplishment 1: I did, however, accomplish high grades in my American Literature class which exempt from the final (::fingers crossed:: I will find out Monday for sure, but I've been pretty on it for that class!).
Obstacle 2: A comparison paper of US GAAP standards and IFRS for my Advanced Accounting class (status: untouched).
Accomplishment 1: I did, however, accomplish high grades in my American Literature class which exempt from the final (::fingers crossed:: I will find out Monday for sure, but I've been pretty on it for that class!).
If I can only make it through December 5th to complete all of my course work and make it to my December 14th graduation, I can finally put myself into wedding planning bliss :)
Kodak Products
Kodak Gallery,
Photo Products
- Monday, November 02, 2009
Way back when I first started ordering my pictures through online services, I used Kodak. I haven't really used them much at all since I discovered Shutterfly, also way back when. I recently received ane-mail from them about their "Million thanks giveaway." I decided I would give them a try again since they did give me a $15 credit for their new site. I orderd a few 5X7 prints, which I was imprssed by the quality, and a mousepad. I had never ordered a mousepad from a photosite so I decided to try it. It arrived this morning and I'm pleased with the final product; not SUPER impressed by the quality of the pictures on the mousepad, which could have resulted from using less than ideal quality images of FI and I. Nonetheless, it's a cool new thing that has a functional use in my office now :)
Photoshare Cards & Mad Libs
So, many weeks ago I received my Mad Lib cards as well as the Photoshare cards that I ordered from VistaPrint. They turned out just as I had imagined they would, PERFECT! :) I've had these for weeks and still haven't managed to take pictures of them so I found them this morning in my wedding planning bag and decided to snap a few camera phone photos of them.
- Monday, October 26, 2009
I just got FB mail from the friend that will be doing the photography at our wedding! Our engagement pics are ready for pick up after five today!
We did our photo shoot a couple weekends ago at the fire department where my FI is a volunteer firefighter as well as at a local park in town. I can't wait to see these and I will surely post some teasers when I get the cd this evening! I'm uber excited! Here are some teasers:
Pearl's Place Review
Pearl's Place Review
Wonderful customer service and very reliable and quick shipping. I can 't rave enough about this little boutique and definitely recomend it to anyone looking for some savings (they saved me $200 for my dress). I received my dress more than a month early. I will hopefully have more good reviews after we order the BM dresses from there.
Wonderful customer service and very reliable and quick shipping. I can 't rave enough about this little boutique and definitely recomend it to anyone looking for some savings (they saved me $200 for my dress). I received my dress more than a month early. I will hopefully have more good reviews after we order the BM dresses from there.
It arrived today. I couldn't believe that it arrived so quickly as it wasn't supposed to be here until the end of November. A whole month early! If I had to have a wedding tomorrow, I could now. So have you guessed what I'm talking about yet? MY DRESS! It came today! I'm thrilled and excited, and many many many more emotions about this arrival. Of course no pictures here b/c my wonderful FI can navigate to this page. Please e-mail me if you want pictures @ ::SQUEALING:: :)
Envelope Lining
While I was in the mood for some wedding stuff this afternoon, I also got out the wrapping paper my mom and I bought to line the envelopes with. I was kind of nervous after I realized I have ivory envelopes and the paper was white. After completing one and seeing it in day light, I think it looks fine. I think for the rest, I'll change the direction of the liner so that the writings/graphics appear as if you were reading a book. I'm pleased with the outcome!

I designed the front of the RSVP postcard last evening. I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I used Scrapblog ( the background and pulled the jpeg into Publisher to add the finishing touches. What do you think?
The back hasn't been designed yet as I was going to personalize each RSVP so guests will know exactly who is invited. I'm thinking I'll just order the postcards with a blank back from Vistaprint and print the back myself. We'll see!
Monogram Cake Topper
I started on my monogram cake topper last night and finished up this afternoon! I'm IN LOVE with it. I didn't put out the money for the swarovski crystals, I just bought hotfix rhinestones. I bought 1440 aquamarine 10SS rhinestones from I am not sure how many I had to use, but I know it was less than half of them. I'm very pleased with the end product! Now I've got to get FI convinced to use this and ONLY this one as our topper.

This shows the color a little better...
And one more, my sweet Daisy trying to figure out what I'm holding!
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